December 8, 2012

Girls Must know (absolutely TRUE facts about boys)

Boys are morons = accepted
Boys are careless = accepted
Boys are cheaters = yeah sometimes
Boys are messy = No comments
Boys are big time liars = may be,yeah (depends
on the situation)

Boys are flirts = Yes (when they are single) / No
(When they’ve got their dream girl)
Girls Stop stop stop…… don’t think that you
know everything about guys. There are
numerous other things which you girls are
unaware about,
especially when they are in ‘LOVE’.
Do you want to know?
Here they are……….
Guys melt when you stare at them with your
angelic smile.
Guys look strong but actually they are more
emotional than girls.
Guys may stare at hot chicks all day, but before
they go to sleep, they would always think about
the girl they truly love.
When a guy tells you about his problems that
time he just needs you to listen and support
A guy literary doesn’t bother about their clothes
and hairstyle once he gets his angel.
When a guy gets angry he wants you to hold his
hand and make him calm.
Guys get jealous when you talk to other guys in
front of them and what annoys them even more
is when you say “arre baba, we are JUST
Guys love it when you say “Take Care of
yourself” after a long conversation.
A guy would start lying when you become
Guys love to see you play with your hair.
Guys hate it when you mutter and
When a guy sacrifices his Sunday morning sleep
and health just to be with you, that means he
really likes you and will do anything for you.
A Guy will expect you to support him to fulfill
his Big Dreams.
Guys would try to act normal but their day will
be incomplete without listening to your voice.
When a guy loves you to the core, he would go
against this world to get you on any condition.
Do you want to test all these traits on guys?
You just need one guy to prove all the above
lines. Then you decide whether boys are morons
or emotional, loyal and sweet to their

October 30, 2012


My only Power , Strength and Weakness ..
I do not know the number of times I would take up the human form but everytime I take birth , I strongly wish they would be my parents ,destined for all my lives. Thats the only boon I would ask if given a chance by the GOD.

The more I watch this pic deeply , I get emotional expressing my tribute to everything they sacrificed and struggled just to show me how beautiful a life is. They have been consistently struggling for the better survival with all necessities to live and to lead a descent family that includes their two sons who are absolutely lucky to have them as their mom n dad for this life.There are milllion things I wish to speak and express about them and I just cant put them in words because they are something more than my feelings . 

September 15, 2012

7 days in Ladakh

Ladakh has always been a paradise for bikers and the Manali-Leh highway is indeed the stairway to this heavenly place. This highway is tricky and totally crumbled and one must be extremely careful while riding. But once you climb up, you are on top of the world. And the feeling is incredible.
Our trip was to begin at Manali on July 4. The Manali-Leh highway remains closed for almost eight months. It opens in late May until September. It is not advisable to travel in late May or early June because melting ice causes sludge and water streams and may impede your journey for days. The monsoon arrives in late September in this part of the country, so July-August is a favorable time to visit. Volvo buses run by Himachal Tourism and other operators reach Manali overnight from Delhi. We reached Manali on the morning of July 3, rested and bought a few articles like gumboots, bungee cords and rain sheets. In the second half of the day we checked our bikes, had a test ride, and filled our tanks so that we could start the journey early morning.
ITINERARY: Manali-Keylong-Sarchu-Pang-Leh-Kargil-Drass-Srinagar-Jammu-Pathankot-Manali.
Our destination was Keylong, 117 km from Manali. The roads were full of potholes and the real challenge was to cross Rohtang Pass, a 5-km stretch which was in too bad a shape to be called a road. There was two feet of sludge at some points and we had to literally lift the bikes to cross them. We reached Keylong around 6 pm, checked in and enjoyed the beautiful landscapes from our guest house.
An adventurous and mesmerizing day. We crossed dozens of broken bridges and freezing cold streams. Baralacha Pass is the point where you can expect ice for sure. It was thrilling to ride on roads packed with solid ice on both sides in sub-zero temperatures. Stop here for a while, play with ice, take some snaps, and enjoy nature. Landscapes become more picturesque as you approach Sarchu plains and you cannot stop gazing at their beauty — a solid road with plains on both sides and ice-capped mountains in the background. We stopped at Pang, which was a mistake because the altitude is 15,500 feet, which gave some of us a serious headache and body pain due to AMS (acute mountain sickness). It is advisable to stay at camps in Sarchu.
The third day was comfortable and fun. After Pang the road miseries are almost over and now you can enjoy riding in the lap of the Himalayas until Leh. As you leave Pang you are on Moore Plains, a 42-km stretch that will ease your grip on the clutch. After Debring you ascend to the second-highest pass in the world, Tanglang La (17,700 ft). Here onwards, the roads are very well maintained by the Border Roads Organization (BRO). We took a lunch break at Upshi Punjabi dhaba and food was unbelievable. The road from Upshi is straight and it took less than 2 hours to reach Leh.
A relaxing and easy day. Our target was to touch the highest motorable road in the world, Khardung La, at an altitude of 18,360 ft. This was the ultimate destination for which we came and pleasure was truly immense after this feat. In the evening we went to Thiksey monastery and enjoyed an experience that you cannot find in the rest of the country.
We started early for Drass, our destination for the day. The second-coldest inhabited place in the world, Drass also played a vital role in the Kargil War. Kargil is 230 km from Leh and Drass is another 70 km from Kargil. But the road on this 70-km stretch is totally crumbled. The Leh- Srinagar highway is one of the most picturesque highways in India. We rode slowly and enjoyed the beautiful landscape.
We reached Srinagar at about 2:30 pm after riding 200 km. We did not have much time and it was too hot in Srinagar so we choose to rest in the afternoon and enjoyed a shikara ride in the evening. We also found time for a little shopping.

We rode around 700 km over the seventh and eighth days. We reached Pathankot on the seventh day and Mandi on the eighth day. Finally, our journey ended on July 12. In the evening we left for Delhi.

Some dos and don'ts to keep in mind if you plan to make this trip.
  • Book bikes at least a month in advance to get the best ones, preferably Enfield Bullets, so as to have minimum bike breakdown.
  • Don't rush to Sarchu for the first day's break. Many people make this mistake. Sarchu is at a much higher elevation and doing so will expose your body to AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness).
  • Do not forget riding boots, raincoat, and gloves; without these you won't be able to ride as roads are grubby and it's freezing cold in some places.
  • Carry jerrycans for extra petrol as there are no filling stations in a span of 360 km after Tandi (100 km from Manali) and the quality of black market petrol cannot be guaranteed.
  • Always check your bikes before starting in the morning or at the end of the day in the evening for minor faults. Keep an eye on engine oil level, brake pads, chain, and clutch.
  • It is advisable to take a mechanic with you as there are no workshops or mechanics after Keylong.
  • Carry some spare parts for the bike and medicines for headache, body pain. Add packets of glucose to your kit.
  • Don't smoke at higher altitudes as it might cause breath-shortening due to low oxygen content.
  • Do not ride hastily as the roads are narrow and muddy, and may cause some serious injuries.
Places for night stay
  • On the Leh-Manali highway you will get guesthouses at Keylong and tented accommodation at Sarchu and Pang. It is advisable to stay at Sarchu rather than Pang.
  • On the Srinagar-Leh highway you will find accommodation at Kargil and Drass, but Kargil is a better pick.
  • Fuel stations are available at Tandi, Upshi and Leh while ATMs are available at Keylong, Upshi and Leh.

July 18, 2012


Year:2008, that was the lasgt When I heard of those provoking lines from the character Jim Gordon saying "He's a silent guardian .. a watchful protector.. a DARK KNIGHT", added with an intense background score by Hans Zimmer gives u goosebumps.

1460 days passed .., now a few more hours away to this priceless unprecedented and the most anticipated grand conclusion of the 21st century epic titled 'THE DARK KNIGHT RISES'. Yet again , another magnificent dream product from a marvelous maverick mythopoeic creator CHRISTOPHER NOLAN whose visualization is beyond excellence and unimaginable and so the intellectuals indulge in watching his flicks.
Critics claim it as flawless , movie buffs await for years, regular film goers need to watch it with brains and not just by the 5 senses.

Unlike the world's best legendary filmmakers like Spielberg,Scorsese,Ridley scott,Cameron,tarantino,and so onn, Nolan has his way of satiating and wooing the audience with a distinguished idiosyncrasy of scripting ad depicting the characters in all his top rated flicks that remain stupendous and remarkable in the history of world cinemas.

I, along with his millions of fans round the globe have been eagerly looking forward, counting down that every snail-pace moving second for the release since the first look was aired almost an year ago before its release. The only tiny tingle that is inevitable is when its declared as 'THE EPIC CONCLUSION' where we have been exceptionally enjoying the saga since 2005.

Followed by the prodigious success after THE DARK KNIGHT, the last part is considered as the most elemental conflict between good nad the evil where Batman for the first time faces a strong terrified reprobate unpredictable figure named BANE. Also the casting of catwoman along with the other meticulously designed characters, this celluloid wonder ever made with an hour footages shot using IMAX cameras is absolutely a visual treat and we wish THE DARK KNIGHT must remain as the all time cool breathtaking incomparable spectacular masterpiece standing brilliant making it something more worthy than an Oscar.